Upcoming ThetaHealing Seminars & Events
ThetaHealing Seminars are an opportunity for you to begin or continue your journey as a ThetaHealing Practioner.
These seminars are registered with ThetaHealing.com
Seminar & Event Descriptions
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA
Prerequisites: none!
This powerful class will provide you with the opportunity to experience the Theta Healing meditation technique while empowering and improving your inner self. At the end of this three-day in-person and online training, you will be a certified Theta Healing Practitioner. There are no pre-requisites for this class.
True meditation, by its very nature, enhances self-awareness and control. Meditation works with our body's physiology to change our brainwaves and our physical chemistry. The brainwaves that are induced in meditative states are known as theta waves. Theta waves are the brain's electrical signature indicating a deep calm, relaxation, or peace. It is the same state that the human body uses to begin to enter REM sleep, for dreaming. This deep meditation is thought to help bridge the conscious and subconscious minds.
Theta Healing is a carefully directed meditation technique that allows its practitioners to consciously see within, identify problems, bad habits, old wounds, and bad information, and then perform focusing, healing, and empowering tasks within.
ThetaHealing® Advanced DNA
Prerequisites: Basic DNA
Advanced Theta Healing teaches you how to work with your belief structures to pull those that are holding you back in your spiritual growth. In this second Theta Healing class, you will use what you learned in the Basic DNA seminar on a higher level. Learn about working with the Planes of Existence, like communicating with angels through communicating with the Creator.
One of the biggest benefits of this course is receiving over 1,000 download style healings to release limiting beliefs about each plane of existence. In ThetaHealing®️ Advanced, pull beliefs that limit your growth and practice. Receive downloads that will improve your connection.
The tuition of $400 is your investment in personal and spiritual growth. A down payment of $70 is needed to register. Scholarships are also available. You'll have break time for meals on your own, and water is recommended to have nearby for the entire online training. Reserve your space by registering with PayPal.
Seminar Includes: Advanced ThetaHealing® All That Is & ThetaHealing® Advanced Manual
This seminar is taught in 3 consecutive days.
Dig Deeper Seminar
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA
The ThetaHealing Technique is fabulous for getting to the origin of our issues because Practitioners are taught an incredible technique called "digging". This narrative style approach allows us to comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that can block us. The ThetaHealing technique then uses unconditional love, Belief and Feeling work to clear these.
This seminar is designed to get all ThetaHealers well trained at this essential technique, to give you the solid grounding, and tips you need so you are confident at digging to find your clients’ key core beliefs. Unless we can successfully identify the true heart and origin of the problem you won't know what beliefs to change. It can also mean that the changes you make may only be temporary, and un-cleared negative beliefs can be barriers to true healing.
This seminar will empower you to help your clients understand their own behaviors and lives, then through helping them make healing changes you'll be able to emerge balanced and clear at the completion of their sessions.
With the completion of the Dig Deeper Seminar, you will have proficient knowledge and experience to keep doing belief work on yourself and others. You will be able to know all the techniques to release and uncover the hidden beliefs that we are operating from. Under the guidance of your instructor, you will have ample practice time for this class.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing Digging for Beliefs Book
Intuitive Anatomy Seminar
Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper
The Intuitive Anatomy Seminar is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes ThetaHealing® Practitioners through the Body Intuitive, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the organs and systems. The student will discover the emotions and Beliefs that are inherent in the body. This seminar offers healing to the bodies systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. Students have ample time for self-healing and work with other seminar members to clear limiting Beliefs. This is the seminar for the serious ThetaHealing Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using the ThetaHealing Technique.
In the Intuitive Anatomy Seminar the ThetaHealing Instructor guides the student to:
Learn the magic of the human body
Learn that disease and disorders go hand in hand with the demonstration of emotions
Come to the realization that emotions are signals that the body is out of balance
Discover new emotional Programs and Beliefs that are attached to every body system
Understand how much space is taken up by negative emotions
Know the specific Beliefs that come with diseases
Practice seeing into the body with body scans. honor the client’s free agency
The clearer students become, the easier it is for them to work on their clients, and themselves. In each system, the student will encounter emotions, challenges and issues that they’ve carried for a very long time. This seminar is designed for the Creator to groom healers. The friendships that come out of this seminar can be forever.
Seminar Includes: ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy Manual & Anatomical Chart Book
This seminar is a 3 week seminar. It is generally offered 5 days on and then 2 days off for 3 weeks.