About Jill
Jill has been the recipient of and channel for this amazing healing technique, blessed to study with Vianna Stibal, founder of the ThetaHealing® technique and Intuitive Coach, Diane Haworth. Jill has been a witness to the Creator's miracles as the founder of Theta Grace.
She is certified as an Instructor for Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Intuitive Anatomy, Rainbow Children, DNA 3 and Manifesting and Abundance ThetaHealing® Seminars, earning a Master's in 2016. In June, 2015, Jill was honored to be a Teacher Assistant to Vianna Stibal in Instructors' Courses. Courses completed include Intuitive Anatomy, RHYTHM to a Perfect Weight, Planes of Existence, Game of Life, Disease and Disorders, Digging Deeper, Family Ties, and Rainbow Children ThetaHealing® courses. Her mentors encouraged her to continue to develop her ThetaHealing® practice in the Baltimore, MD area. Her experience taking classes in Mexico and working with speakers of Spanish shows her strengths in working in Spanish.
Jill has been a teacher, administrator, and student advocate in New York City and Baltimore. Jill was raised in the Church of the Nazarene in Ohio and is grateful for this introduction to her deep, life-changing faith. Jill has always believed in healing prayer and enjoys the acceptance and deep joy found with her practice of ThetaHealing®. She finds physical balance in teaching belly dancing and enjoys this active, womanly exercise. Jill and her husband are the parents of two incredible children. They are also blessed with strong willed beautiful dogs named Cassie and Leo. All of these experiences add to her focus and skills as a ThetaHealer®.
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